Online Donations

Church of Scotland DONATE button The Church of Scotland Introduced a DONATE BUTTON in June 2020. You can create a link directly to your congregation’s donate page by adding the congregation number as a parameter. Eg: (with /?cong=382184 after donate – with your number – unless you want to support Strontian Church!) Payments are processed via PayPal – who will take a small fee. Contributors don’t need a PayPal…

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Watchnight Intro and Outro

If these are any use to you please use them. Intro: Traveling to Bethlehem scene, with The Fist Noel instrumental background. Words “Watchnight Worship begins shortly” (3’30” long) Download INTRO Outro: Stable scene, We wish you a merry Christmas instrumental, Words: “Happy Christmas to you all” (1’43” long) Download OUTRO

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Five frogs

Five frogs sitting on a wall. Two decide to jump off. How many frogs re sitting on the wall? Three frogs on the wall…? No… not three… There are five frogs sitting on the wall. Two decided to jump, but until they take action and actually jump they are still sitting on the wall! Or put another way – as Tony Robbins has said “Never leave the scene of decision…

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