Freudenfreude, German term used for taking pleasure in other people’s joy and successes. Interesting blog post:
Read MoreBetter Meetings – on-line and on-site
A couple of paragraphs from an email sent earlier today to a colleague… that are probably worthy of ’putting out there’! “I often wish that there could be more time in meetings to take time for ideation – generating the good and bad ideas, evaluating options and perhaps making new and creative discoveries along the way – rather than receiving a paper with a proposal from ‘an expert’. There are…
Read MoreBlessed are the Treelike
‘Blessed are the ones… like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do.’ From Psalm 1 Like trees we have roots, trunks, branches, leaves, flowers and fruit Roots Drawing on strength and inspiration from God, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, we are nourished, sustained and blessed. Intentional time to care for ourselves and…
Read MoreOur deepest fear…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so…
Read MoreHarvest Music
Songs from Resound Music might be helpful this Harvest time… We See the Fruitful HarvestPraise Awaits You (Psalm 65)Freely From a recent collaboration with Christian Aid with its themes of justice for all: God of All Comfort And, really, any song from Resound Worship’s Doxecology collection – in particular: God the Maker of the HeavensIf the Fields are Parched (Have Mercy)As the Seeds Are Planted (Let the Earth Find Rest)
Read MoreInclude a News Feed
You can easily include an RSS news feed in your Church website – here’s the current listing from the Church of Scotland News Page. In WordPress add an RSS block with the URL:
Read MorePost Pandemic Pondering and Planning
A very helpful resource for individual or group reflection. Are you pondering and evaluating how your faith community will move into post-pandemic relationships and programs? This resource from the PC(USA) provides guided opportunities to brainstorm, reflect, act and pray about how to re-form into your community’s future using a creative format.
Read MoreSocial Media
ITsForMinistry is also on Facebook
Read MoreAnalogue to Digital Interface
When you need to pass an analogue audio signal to a digital USB, you want one of these…. An analogue/ digital interface. Some Audio mixers will have a USB connection, and other more sophisticated audio interfaces are available but for around £20 this little box will be a helpful addition to your digital tool kit! You could connect an analogue audio output from a mixer desk into computer, tablet or…
Read MoreBeing Digital
D is for Discipleship I is for Interface G is for God’s Mission I is for Inclusive T is for Teaching A is for All Age, Audio, and Accessibility L is for Language I’ll update this page with some links…. And more info… very soon…. Do book mark the site and come back again soon…! ITs For Ministry has a FACEBOOK Group – open to all – Keep on…
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