I’m pulling together a list of resources for congregational leaders in my Presbytery and will share it here too…

What other resources would you add to the list..?


Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland newsletters

Link: churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/newsletters1

You can subscribe to the various Church of Scotland E-newsletters:

  • Ascend – Ministry Support
  • Children’s and Youth Ministry
  • Priority Areas
  • Life and Work
  • The Guild

News and Events on the web

Link: churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events2

Children’s and Youth Ministry

Now your talking Facebook group.

Worship Resources

Stirling Presbytery List

Link: stirlingpresbytery.org.uk/page/59/worship-resources3

Leadership & Change

Carey Nieuwhof

Link: careynieuwhof.com4


Link: itsforministry.org


Podcast links here are to Apple podcasts, but many will also be found on Anchor, Spotify sand wherever you find your favourite podcasts.

To Listen to:

To Be Fair

Link: podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/to-be-fair/id16065073516

Rev Martin Fair reflects on faith and popular culture

Working Preachers’ Sermon Brainwave

Link: podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/working-preachers-sermon-brainwave/id2823649027

How to:

Anchor – tools to power any podcast

Link: anchor.fm/features8

Create and Promote Video

How to create a YouTube channel

Link: blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-create-a-youtube-channel9

Bible Study

Logos Bible Software

Link: logos.com/connect/compare-subscriptions10



Link: Itsforministry.org/music11

Various links to music on the web, much of which can be used in recordings and worship streams. (Always ensure that you have the appropriate licenses in places when recording or streaming)


Link: fischy.com

Events and innovation


Link: trytank.org13

Rev Lorenzo Lebrija

Link: lifeandwork.org/news/news/post/1588-beginning-a-culture-of-innovation14

A series of events will take place in March to kickstart new support for innovation across the Church of Scotland.

A joint event with the Scottish Episcopal Church, the workshops over the weekend of March 17-19 will be led by the Rev Lorenzo Lebrija (above), founding director of the US Episcopal Church’s TryTank initiative.



Link: canva.com15

Canva.com is a brilliant for content creation. The full version is available freely to charities on submission of OSCR registration verification. Great tool for creating, scheduling and posting Social Media posts, creating posters, powerful presentations, graphics of all sorts.


Link: pixlr.com/16

Edit photos and create stunning designs right in your browser, on your phone or desktop for free (and paid options) Start from an empty canvas, a photo, a video or select one of the crafted templates.

Images to use

Link: itsforministry.org/images17

Listing of free (and some paid) image download sites.

Procurement/ Discounts

Charity Digital – Software

Link: charitydigital.org.uk/home18

Charity Workers Discounts

Link: charityworkerdiscounts.com/19

Digital Offerings, Donations and Fundraising


Link: donr.com/20

Funding.scot (SCVO)

Link: funding.scot/21

Find funding for your charity, community group or social enterprise using our free online search engine. From small grants to funding for big capital projects, we can help you track down the funding you need to make a difference in your community.


Link: beyondgiving.co.uk/22

Our aim at Beyond Giving is to support you find the best solution and turn a complex problem into a simple solution. We can also help you achieve financial sustainability through the accessing of grants and funding, including exploration of new income generation models, enabling your mission and community based projects to flourish.

1: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/newsletters

2: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events

3: https://www.stirlingpresbytery.org.uk/page/59/worship-resources?fbclid=IwAR2PTWhRUpkdEypMTn1cROgFYNJ-ocGsVRgoKqxlkCNo8OVCy7z2edloyc

4: https://careynieuwhof.com

5: http://www.itsforministry.org

6: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/to-be-fair/id1606507351

7: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/working-preachers-sermon-brainwave/id282364902

8: https://anchor.fm/features?fbclid=IwAR00qylTZkOprpBmAurkxmEpum9f8ak3fLwUxrkKtfKoVUPAbAMkZ8vlc

9: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-create-a-youtube-channel?fbclid=IwAR03E11VTxVzvp3ZeVhmnSjNTJ4vDP8mi9UgbjE9xbSa7Sprkv0V8Om8

10: https://www.logos.com/connect/compare-subscriptions?fbclid=IwAR2l7Nzt2Xfzo8M0iLx6-MjoOLSDINBByAHu1vvSsLrnvga8YXKFqwxgU

11: http://www.Itsforministry.org/music

12: http://www.fischy.com

13: http://www.trytank.org

14: https://www.lifeandwork.org/news/news/post/1588-beginning-a-culture-of-innovation

15: http://www.canva.com

16: https://pixlr.com/

17: https://itsforministry.org/images

18: https://charitydigital.org.uk/home?fbclid=IwAR0IwahDuUo9d5DCRwSAmrzyOL36HjZLAae1a2wQYBymM70IXqf3OeO7X8

19: https://www.charityworkerdiscounts.com/?fbclid=IwAR0z6iacKoguQgpEe29RPEyJnqPpVp2g2PsppeRK1zlsXPY6G5Pn9M7BJ6s

20: https://www.donr.com/?fbclid=IwAR2rmbaE8UWaL6tQF5gQcMwyCtInzlpn2TCT9qzkx8pq6bTb-J0QlXAzI

21: https://funding.scot/?fbclid=IwAR2-OhiCu5x6JMKD1zcuMeT5lBvwwEsUfoJ7OqhRcbebqFXNoU7Ds7PhNU

22: https://www.beyondgiving.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR3WnzKDbweNOLDA6KDuUPVKjHun70jXdIKY8TOwJgHddfivMHA5x8vzUzU

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