With COVID-19 restrictions behind us, lessons have been learnt and ideas shared about the pros and cons of ‘in the room’ meetings versus ‘online’. Is there a third option between the polarity? Of course there is, it’s known as hybrid. Some don’t like the idea of hybrid and consider it a miserable experience; they think everyone should be ‘in the room’. Some don’t like the idea of hybrid and consider…
Read MoreResources
I’m pulling together a list of resources for congregational leaders in my Presbytery and will share it here too… What other resources would you add to the list..? Resources Church of Scotland Church of Scotland newsletters Link: churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/newsletters1 You can subscribe to the various Church of Scotland E-newsletters: News and Events on the web Link: churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events2 Children’s and Youth Ministry Now your talking Facebook group. Worship Resources Stirling Presbytery List…
Read MoreYour Contribution
What must you do today? What are you up to today….? ✅ What will you do today…? ✅ What difference will you make..? ✅ What will you learn..? ✅ What questions will you ponder..? ✅ Who will you ask for help and support..?
Read MoreI have a dream…
Martin Luther King Jr Day is marked on the Third Monday January – close to his birthdate 15 Jan 1929 He famously said, “I have a dream…” Not, “I have a plan… an idea… a project… With the emotion of a dream he led others to action, changed beliefs, ideas, and plans… but it all began with a dream… What are your dreams… your hopes… for the World, the Church,…
Read MoreEnabling the Impossible
It’s only impossible until it’s done”, words attributed to many including Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela. On a Thursday morning in January 2022, 24 ministers, elders and others from within the ITsForMinistry Facebook group meet on Zoom for a Conversation triggered by some of Seth Godin’s thinking around Leadership always being qualified by ‘this might not work’.The Seth Godin’s Video which all had watched prior to the conversation was this…
Read MoreImages
A consolidated list of good sites to download free graphics… PNGs, Icons, IMAGES and graphics free-images.com freeimages.com Unsplash.com Pixabay.com Pinclipart.com – good collection of transparent PNGs (but lots of adverts!) Backgrounds, Countdowns, Images, Video clips churchmediadrop.com – place to share files freely www.videezy.com Free Bible Images www.freebibleimages.org
Read MoreMS Teams – Notifications
Are you getting too many notifications on TEAMS… or too few… or just the right amount? Take control of what notifications you receive and how…
Read MoreMake time for the Important
Stephen Covey spoke of ‘First things First’, important things first. He borrowed Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Matrix Michael Heppell and others speak of allocating time to the categories: ‘Me’, ‘Key’, ‘stuff’ – where ‘Key’ projects are the mission critical important ones… yet how often all the urgent stuff pushes out the important. ‘Me’ times – are, well it says it on the tin doesn’t it – times for YOU – and that’s…
Read MoreRespond don’t React
In our fast paced world when communication can be instant there can be the temptation to react swiftly with an email reply. Remember though the slightly older technology that facilitates full duplex synchronistic conversation – the telephone – and its modern counterparts the Voice call or video call. You can engage much better, reach a full solution rather than just the next step… and there’s less opportunity for misunderstanding. See…
Read MoreHow to you manage your ‘things to do?’
“Thanks, I’ll try to remember to do that at the end of the month” Mmm… why leave it to you memory…! Capture ideas and ’things to do’ when they first crop up! iOS users – try: ‘Hey Siri, remind me to…. tomorrow/ next Tuesday/at the end of the month’ More info on using Siri with Reminders Put it in your diary, or notes Or if you want to try something…
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