I was looking for the George MacLeod quote ‘Take us outside holiness’ – from the prayer prayed during the rebuilding of Iona Abbey in the 1930’s. Before finding it, I came across another George Macleod quote “I simply argue that the cross be raised again, at the centre of the marketplace as well as on the steeple of the church. I am recovering the claim that Jesus was not crucified…
Read MoreMS Teams – Notifications
Are you getting too many notifications on TEAMS… or too few… or just the right amount? Take control of what notifications you receive and how…
Read MoreWhere are the bottlenecks?
The late Eli Goldratt (1947-2011) was a scientist who building on models and ideas from the natural world and turned the focus of his work to the leadership of change. He coined the phrase ‘Theory of Constraints’ – which at its simplest says ‘No system is operating at maximum potential, if it were there would be infinite and perfect output, there will always be at least one limiting factor, or…
Read MoreWhat will you start today?
What will you start today..? Something you’ve been putting off… something you think you won’t do well..? Something you’ve been worrying about doing..? Whatever it is – just start it?
Read MoreSMARTER Goals
You’ll have heard of SMART goals – but what of SMARTER ones! S Specific M Measurable A Achievable R Relevant T Time Bound E Evaluated R Reviewed SMARTER Goals: iMindMap mind map template | Biggerplate
Read MoreiPad won’t start, after ‘flat battery’
I have just spent ages trying various solutions, restarts, button pressing, and thinking my iPad had died. Then tried charging with the original Apple Charger and cable. All sorted! Other cables and chargers may work well most of the time but just don’t have the oomph to start up from a completely drained battery. Sometimes the simplest solutions are worth trying first!
Read MoreBefore clicking SEND, think TRACKS!
Earlier today I sent an email to over 30 colleagues and had omitted to attach the attachments! Then came the flurry of phone calls and emails… “I think you forgot the attachments!” Some email apps do clever things and remind you if you have used the word “attached” but not attached any files. I’m usually quite careful and take a moment to check emails, posts, messages and tweets before zapping…
Read MoreWhat day of the week? The Doomsday Rule
I write this on Doomsday! The 6th day of the 6th month! Sounds ominous! Actually quite fun! Did you know that the 4th day of the 4th month, the 6th day of the 6th month, the 8th day of the 8th month, the 10th day of the 10th month, and the 12th day of the 12th month always fall on the same day of the week? In 2020 these dates…
Read MoreOnLine Reports & Papers
A wee video from a few years ago with Bryan Kerr and Donald McCorkindale in the context of the Church of Scotland General Assembly – about going paperless and making the most of electronic versions rather than printing off oddles of paper! Yes you can scribble notes in the margins, stick in a post-it note! Yes, you can flick between several documents. Take time to become familiar with reading and…
Read MoreCo-create! Get everyone on board!
“We need a sense of ownership.” How often do we hear that – or say that. BUT, We tend to own things that other people create! Authorship is better – get everyone involved – all the stakeholders in from the beginning – have everyone involved in co-creating the project, plan whatever. And when we set up an event, have it all planned and then invite neighbouring congregations and denominations don’t…
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