6 important things to do tomorrow

What are the six most important things you are going to do tomorrow? The Ivy Lee Method 100 years ago Ivy Lee was a productivity consultant- before that was really a thing! He shared some advice which many still use today. You too can apply the Ivy Lee method… Before you finish work or go to bed today, write down the 6 most important things that you will do tomorrow.…

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101 Things to Do..?

Too many things to do? There are three kinds of people: Those who remember everything that needs to be done – and keep all the thoughts on their head. Those who rely on other people to remind them when they overlook something important Those who have a trusted system (outwith their head) and capture and sort their to-dos, and do and review their tasks! Further reading: https://www.bytestart.co.uk/coveys-matrix-time-management.html

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Funeral Recordings

About 30 years ago, during my training for ministry, I conducted my first funeral service. It was a family funeral. A great uncle of mine had died and I was asked to conduct the service. Some other family members were not able to attend the service, and unbeknown to me a cousin had arranged with the Crematorium staff for the service to be recorded. The service went well, my uncle…

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Always ask for feedback after an event or meeting. Why? Because some,but not all, will give it anyway and you’ll hear the extremes but not the overall picture. The folk who will say, “complete waste of time and money”, will tell you anyway and we all know that the negative comments linger with us much more than the positive ones. The comments “that was a really helpful and productive meeting”,…

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